Charley: Supermog
Written By Val Anne Lee
Illustrated By Simon Chadwick
ISBN 978152726023
Age 7 - 11
Originally published 2020
Size 197mm x 129mm
268 pages
Living with Old Granny in a rural Dorset village, Jemima adopts a tiny kitten with a tatty ear but her beloved Charleypuss is no ordinary cat - by sheer chance gaining magical powers that lead to exciting and often really scary adventures.
Discover the joys of childhood before the age of the computer... A time of exploring woods, climbing trees, swinging on ropes, fishing for tadpoles or paddling in rivers, gathering spiky conkers, and enjoying fresh air and the wonders of nature.
Val Anne Lee is the author of several children's picture books, and this is her first novel for young readers – a tale of one extraordinary cat.